Welcome to Arbode Gramya Vikas Shiksha Samiti

Avorde is the society which is registered under society registration act 1860. Avorde has also been registered under various other mandatory statutes. In brief its’ vision is to end deprivation and marginalization of people.

The organization primarily works with rural populations, though it is also active in few slum areas of Kichha city. The field operation of Avorde covers blocks, panchayats, slum areas and villages of district of eastern and central Uttrakhand.

It works among dalits, backward classes, religions, minorities (muslims), women youth and drop out students. Avorde works in Education, Health, HIV/AIDS, Livelihood, Consumer Awareness, Micro-insurance, Free Legal Aids to BPL Families, Child labour.

Though gender is a cross cutting issue in all the sectors, it needs to be viewed separately to and hence gender is the eighth sector in which the organization works.

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